. art experience. as you may or may not know I personally conduct virtual drawing and painting sessions. I have a lot of fun doing these and they have always been well received so I am sharing them with some of my friends as well.
. impromptu video calls. pick up your phone and do a video chat with a friend! Doesn’t have to be prearranged - think of it as the old ‘telephone’ calls to touch base.
food & beverage events
. online dinner party. another group I connect with regularly are friends with whom the usual get togethers were dinner parties or just parties so we’ve arranged themed dinner parties on line - everyone does their own thing in the kitchen but we swap recipes or menus and have a chance to catch up
. wine tasting. being in this region of Ontario and so close to wine country I have been on a number of tours and tastings. This can happen just as easily online. Pick a few wines that are sold everywhere and featured in your province/country and everyone can taste and discuss at the same time.
. mix it up! one weekend soon I’m hosting an online cocktail party - everyone is to pick a favourite beverage and share the recipe for it (of course we’ll enjoy them while chatting about them) and I’ll pull the recipes together in a book form for everyone.
. movie nights / book clubs / artists salon. I have a friend who hosts shared movies and the people watching can comment throughout; another hosts a book club and they even have guest authors attend! I host a salon biweekly where artists, writers, art enthusiasts and thinkers get together to talk about various topics in creativity, from questions like “who decides what art is?” to definitions of sexy, erotic and pornographic! it’s one hour short and thought provoking for days... (all are welcome and it’s free to attend!)
. travel meme chain. forward a favourite holiday meme to friends and have them reciprocate. Actually just send a selfie or a pic of your little one or a pet to someone (may just put a smile on their face!).
. gratitude chat. well it’s said time and again we should acknowledge small and great things that we are grateful for and sharing it in a text group or similar keeps us mindful
. courses, workshops, hobbies, podcasts, museum tours online.... there are sooooo many options (and many many that are free) to enjoy and keep yourself busy [as you can see from the above lol]. Really, we are very lucky. In fact, there are a number of events I’ve attended online that I doubt I would have taken part in if I’d had to travel to get to them!
the blues & funk are beautiful music genres — enjoy them that way!
Oh I’m sure you’re inundated with many a how-to for self care in terms of exercise, balancing your diet, go off-line if you need to, etc etc but do add some of these to the list so that there will be fun and games ‘til the world heals.
Don’t let February ‘blues’ be your theme, make it a time to celebrate opportunities and live life as fully as we can right now. I intend to. Yes, you can hold me accountable, I need that ! lol.
Fun in 2021 !!