the tour
The idea I was exploring with this was a new relationship that I entered and what directions it might take.
If this, then that? If this, then what? If this, what about that?
As I put it on canvas and filled it in I focused on the figures and abstracted them to allow the surrounding to infiltrate and question the colour and movement direction. (1)
There are areas where a field of colour fills and melds with neighbouring areas for a smooth visual transition one to the other. (2)
Textures are introduced to address the idea that the question poses in varying levels of complexity and depth.(3)
In hot colours of orange, red and yellow, the focus to the piece allows one to realize how intense questions can realize meaning. (4)
In composition there are areas of visual rest, and movement in colour and texture with the ultimate goal to have you consider the figures together in one location of the canvas. (5)
The weight and depth of colour offered in the reds and deep purples offer options and independence from the culmination of those colours between the figures. (6)
is the candidate a good fit?
how will this person affect other members and how will other members affect them? (1)
would this person add to the team in a smooth or contrasting way?(2)
are the questions you ask insightful?(4)
will the good, the unusual or the unkowns ultimately serve the team as a greater whole?(3&5)
will the individuality of this candidate impact the team and business in a good way?(6)
Will you look at your team and/or building your team in a new way now?
Live the power of art.
#teambuilding #hiringstrategy #hiringideas