One of the joy's to living in Canada are the seasonal changes. When we enter a new season, I feel like it's a new year - time to reflect, make plans, venture on to new paths or shift routine a bit. Do you?
Sometimes when summer ends people feel a sense of "what now?" when in fact, it can be a time to realign and refocus. Fall is a particularly potent seasonal change. The hot humid days of summer are coming to a close but bright days featuring bright natural colour changes can motivate and bring fresh perspectives.
from hot nights to cool bright days...
I challenge you to bring that to your business! Share your ideas with your team. Ask them where they are at... what Fall means to them ... it's been a crazy year - this season we will face new challenges on personal and professional levels. It's time to check in and make sure your team is well.
Maybe check in with yourself first! Will you tackle a new project, revisit an old one - maybe actually complete it?! If you're a team leader and/or entrepreneur it's important to make sure you do what you need to do to keep yourself in balance.
I've probably told you this before but I think it's worth repeating. I'm an artist and an entrepreneur - are they separate ideas? No. they are completely tied one to the other. I've discovered over the years that if I'm not creating my own personal art on a regular basis, my business suffers. Both on the fine art side and the services side of my studio. I have to check in with myself every once in a while and reorganize or reallocate my time, and energy resources, to ensure that it is balanced. So I now schedule (okay attempt to maintain a schedule) to paint as well as devote time to sharing information, hosting workshops and events and promoting the studio services. I also continue to look for new ways to challenge myself so for instance I am launching back in to studying Spanish and I intend to conquer that this season! (Sí, ¡puedes desafiarme a una conversación en Navidad!)
the balancing act
So my challenge to you is to figure out where you're at and where your team is at.
The rest of my day is scheduled for painting so I have an easel to attend to now.
Enjoy the season! As always I also challenge you to Live the Power of Art.©