
I believe artists should network, share resources and actively promote each other to grow their business and ultimately to grow the visual arts industry, karen.

studio k2 is artist-run and offers opportunities through an artists' salon, visiting artists' space, group exhibitions, pop-up rental space, and creative retreats.

Live the power of art.©

An overview of the opportunities follow. Hope you can join in!


I believe artists should network, share resources and actively promote each other to grow their business and ultimately to grow the visual arts industry, karen.

studio k2 is artist-run and offers opportunities through an artists' salon, visiting artists' space, group exhibitions, pop-up rental space, and creative retreats.

Live the power of art.©

An overview of the opportunities follow. Head over to the 'call to artists'
to participate. Hope you can join in!





creative retreats
I’ve been taking creative retreats for several years now.  Removing myself from my usual studio location and social environment allows me to focus and delve into my paintings like no other experience has. A couple of locations were a little too remote for me. I didn’t speak the language, didn’t know anyone there and with limited internet and tv, felt a little isolated when I wasn’t working. On retreats where I was able to interact with other artists, I learned from them and exchanged ideas that were motivating and inspirational. I was inspired, productive and committed to my work.   

When I was searching for an organized creative retreat, I found they were too much like a holiday versus a work trip - excursions, free time, organized events and meals throughout the week. I wondered when and what I’d get accomplished on this type of trip so that’s when I started to travel and create my own retreats. Several years later I’m still finding a lack of dedicated creative retreats so I decided to develop one that is affordable, comfortable and flexible for other artists to participate in.

I’ve designed  retreats to be focused so that artists can concentrate on their work, be social with like-minded individuals and experience locations that may well influence their body of work.

I want the retreats to give us the opportunity to dedicate time to our art, share ideas, learn through each other with constructive critiques and discussions together with the experience of another culture and environment. All of these elements afford us an influence on our work that is immeasurable and I’m inviting you to take advantage, discover the benefits of and share in this wonderful experience.
creatively yours, karen

artists' creative retreats
This year the creative retreats will be held in-studio in Hamilton, Ontario when restrictions lift - the pandemic has postponed the out-of-country retreats. Click here for details, dates and registration information.

Link over to artists' creative retreats to explore the upcoming opportunities.
creative retreats
I’ve been taking creative retreats for several years now.  Removing myself from my usual studio location and social environment allows me to focus and delve into my paintings like no other experience has. A couple of locations were a little too remote for me. I didn’t speak the language, didn’t know anyone there and with limited internet and tv, felt a little isolated when I wasn’t working. On retreats where I was able to interact with other artists, I learned from them and exchanged ideas that were motivating and inspirational. I was inspired, productive and committed to my work.   

When I was searching for an organized creative retreat, I found they were too much like a holiday versus a work trip - excursions, free time, organized events and meals throughout the week. I wondered when and what I’d get accomplished on this type of trip so that’s when I started to travel and create my own retreats. Several years later I’m still finding a lack of dedicated creative retreats so I decided to develop one that is affordable, comfortable and flexible for other artists to participate in.

I’ve designed  retreats to be focused so that artists can concentrate on their work, be social with like-minded individuals and experience locations that may well influence their body of work.

I want the retreats to give us the opportunity to dedicate time to our art, share ideas, learn through each other with constructive critiques and discussions together with the experience of another culture and environment. All of these elements afford us an influence on our work that is immeasurable and I’m inviting you to take advantage, discover the benefits of and share in this wonderful experience.
creatively yours,

2020 artists' creative retreats
This year the creative retreats will be held in-studio in Hamilton, Ontario when restrictions lift - the pandemic has postponed the out-of-country retreats. Click here for details, dates and registration information.

Link over to artists' creative retreats to explore the upcoming opportunities.

sign-up to be notified of

upcoming retreats

art retreat in Hamilton, Ontario

All art, all week long. 2023 dates release coming soon. Hosted at The Cotton Factory in Hamilton, artists will have a space where they can create uninterrupted, experience local art venures, and, engage in peer interaction.

travelling art retreat

artist retreat, art retreat, holiday ideas, tourism, Merida, Mexico, art escape, creative retreat

Designed by an artist for artists.

This creative retreat is an escape to the warmth, arts and culture of Mérida, Mexico — all art, all week long.

new dates coming soon!

A week designed for you to explore your creativity, maximize your productivity and network with your peers.

artists creative retreats
artists' salon 
zoom in to creativity and network with your peers and art-enthusiasts check out our schedule - virtual discussions, current exhibiting artists attend, free admission — register and join in! 
                    new dates are pending...
preregister here

curious about how these chats go? head to the gallery section and listen in... follow us on instagram (@k2chats) for the leading question to the next salon :)

visit for more info on
karen klucowicz & her art
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